Thursday, April 5, 2012

Guidelines for Cancer Patents..

Exercise Benefits and Guidelines for Cancer Patients..

Everyone knows that exercise is a good thing. Exercise produces numerous positive benefits, and abundant evidence supports this. The benefits are not limited to the general public, of course. Regular exercise offers many advantages for people with cancer and other chronic diseases.

Exercise enables cancer patients to keep and improve their physical abilities. It also reduces depression and promotes an optimistic outlook. The American Cancer Society urges exercise during and after treatment, for a number of important reasons.

Exercise Benefits for Cancer Patients....

Exercise improves balance and coordination, which reduces the risk of falls and broken bones. It also strengthens bones, to lower the risk of osteoporosis. Exercise strengthens the muscles, too. It reduces muscle wasting, which can occur after long periods of inactivity or bed rest.

Exercise helps cancer patients manage their weight. It improves heart health, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes. It improves circulation, too, which protects against blood clots.

Chemotherapy patients, and those going through other aggressive cancer treatments, can benefit from regular exercise during therapy. Rather than cause fatigue, exercise actually reduces it for increased energy and stamina. The nausea, digestive problems, headaches, and appetite problems associated with chemotherapy also benefit form exercise.

Regular exercise is just as useful for psychological health. Patients who engage in physical activity on a regular basis experience less anxiety, depression, and stress. Exercise boosts self-confidence and encourages a positive outlook, which is so important to the recovery and healing process. People who exercise do a better job of maintaining their social contacts, and they enjoy a higher quality of life.

Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Patients

Not every patient can engage in the same activities, nor should they. Every type and stage of cancer is different, and patients should work with a health professional to tailor the best exercise plan. People with breast cancer, mesothelioma, neck cancer, and other diseases are limited in the types of movements they can perform. But most cancer patients can engage in regular, even daily, exercise.

The American Cancer Society advises cancer patients to follow the fitness .

